Book Promotion: Why Authors Need to be Involved

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Indie book promotion

Why Authors Need to Promote Their Books

At, we understand that you may expect the publisher to handle all aspects of your book promotion. However, it's essential to know that regardless of how your book is published, promoting it is an agreed responsibility. Here's why:

The Role of the Author in Book Promotion

In self-publishing, you, as the author, will have full control over your book, including how it's marketed. This is a significant advantage, but it also means you need to be actively involved in the exciting process of promoting your work. A publisher may provide the tools and support, but your personal touch in marketing can make all the difference.

Even if you were traditionally published, you'd still need to participate in your book promotion process. Independent publishers often do not have a marketing option included in their package unless it is requested. This is a feature that many authors choose not to have to reduce their publishing costs. After publishing, however, it's not unusual for authors to purchase an array of marketing tools to make their job a lot easier. As the author, one who believes in your published work more than anyone else, you're the best person to connect with your readers and create excitement around your book. Your involvement helps build your brand and makes your book stand out in a crowded market.

Why Your Involvement Matters

Readers want to hear from you, the author. They are more likely to buy a book if they feel a connection to the person who wrote it. Your unique insights, experiences, and passion for your work are powerful marketing tools. By engaging with your audience through social media, events, and other channels, you create a personal connection that a publisher alone cannot replicate. Your active participation is key to your book’s success.

You see, book promotion is not just the publisher’s job. As the author, your involvement is crucial, whether you're self-published or traditionally published. Together, authors and publishers can make a book a success, but after publishing, the author's voice and effort are what will truly make it shine.

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