Alexis V. Mackey
Saying Yes

Alexis V. Mackey

Alexis V. Mackey is a young woman who is full of life and has a profound passion for God. She is dedicated to using her talents to spread messages of faith and inspiration. Apart from her church activities, Alexis enjoys being surrounded by nature and finds joy in appreciating its beauty. She finds peace in watching the waves of the ocean and admiring the colors of a rainbow. Alexis also has a keen interest in healthy living and loves discovering new and nourishing options by exploring local farms and stores.

A Conversationalist

Alexis is a great conversationalist and enjoys having heart-to-heart conversations with her loved ones. She finds fulfillment in connecting with the elderly and values their wisdom and experiences. As an expressive soul, Alexis understands the power of art to communicate and express oneself. She enjoys dancing and using movement as a form of expression to connect with others on a deeper level.

A Journey of Faith

Above all, Alexis views her faith in Christ as the cornerstone of her identity. Her writing, encouragement, and teachings stem directly from this foundation. She shares her journey of faith and emphasizes the importance of offering God a daily, fresh "yes." Residing in Nassau, Bahamas, Alexis continues to inspire others with her genuine warmth, contagious enthusiasm, and unwavering commitment to living out her faith in every aspect of her life.

Alexis  V. Mackey's book Saying Yes: A Fragrant Surrender to God’s Will from An Alabaster Heart is now available at Oasis Bookstore on Carmichael (Bahamas Faith Ministry) and in paperback and eBook on