Claudette Thompson

Last week I watched an interview in which a celebrity confessed that she had benefited from Covid 19 because she met the love of her life, while she was out walking her dog. It immediately gave me an idea. I don't own a dog, actually I don't even like dogs but a girl gats to do what a girl gats to do. As they say, 'desperate times call for desperate measures.'

I decided I would borrow my neighbor's dog and take him for a walk. Betty was happy to get Mamps off her hands for a few hours. It was a struggle for me but I walked around the neighborhood very leisurely with Mamps prancing about on his leash. I never knew  there were so many dog owners in my town. Those men were 'foine'! Unfortunately they only waved from a distance or if one stopped for a while, it was all about Mamps. I was told that Mamps looked healthy, he had a shiny coat, and was asked which vet I took him to. Of course I had no idea what to reply so I smiled and said, "You know, he goes to the veteran hospital" The guy looked at me and raised his eyebrows, and quickly moved on.

Then there was this second guy who engaged me in conversation. He wanted to know what I fed Mamps on. I told him Mamps got all the leftover bones."I eat a lot of Bamboo Shack, KFC, and Popeyes every day so Mamps gets a treat daily, I boasted. The man apparently was horrified and told me it was dangerous to give bones to dogs. "You want to kill this lovely dog?" he asked. How dare he call Mamps lovely when he had not paid me a compliment all this time. There I was looking like a peach yet I was not attracting any men.

Claudette Thompson, Jamaican author

Jamaican-born writer, poet, published author, and teacher Claudette Thompson, has been teaching children for more than 30 years. She has been a “Wordsmith” her entire life. Ms. Thompson's mantra, “Words are my toys and creativity, my game,” explains the exuberance and originality she brings to her writing as well as to her job as an educator. In both her Jamaican as well as her Bahamian homelands, she has meticulously honed her craft as a Red Cross volunteer, speech and writing coach, and a charismatic public speaker. To date, Ms. Thompson has won numerous teaching and literary awards. Ms. Thompson currently resides on the island of New Providence in The Bahamas.

Ms. Thompson's book, Take The Wheel-English Literature Made Simple & Enjoyable, a book of prose and poems for students is available in paperback and Kindle.

Enjoy other writings by Claudette Thompson

The Sapodilla Tree

They Killed My Dreams

To be honest, I was becoming very frustrated and extremely tired. All this walking,  frequently stopping to make Mamps pee, and for nothing. I decided to sit on a nearby bench. Mamps must have had a big lunch because he had to poop every minute. I never scooped up so much poop in all my life.  As I sat thinking, this handsome man walked by. He had the cutest poodle on a white satin leash. Mamps was instantly attracted and I too felt my heart skip a beat as I looked up into the sparkling eyes of the six foot two stranger. He was buff.  His expensive watch and the thick gold chain which he wore screamed wealth. It was Mamps' constant barking that caused the stranger to turn around and walk over. He took a seat next to me and struck up a conversation.

"Your dog seems to like my dog," he said, as he watched the two animals sniff at each other and engage in 'dog talk'.

"Yes, they do, I replied, still struck by the handsomeness of my newly found friend. We talked for a while then he gave me his phone number and told me I could call him.

His dog soon began licking my hand and I pulled away because as cute as she was, I hated dogs.

"I...I..."  Matthew stuttered, but he did not finish the sentence. The dog stopped showing me affection and lay quietly at his master's feet. We talked for another five minutes.

"Will you be comfortable if I...I, called on you one day?"

That's what I wanted to hear. Gosh, that man had it going on. He was progressive; wanting to call on me. It reminded me of those old-time books like 'Gone with the Wind' I used to read when women had gentlemen callers. I smiled just thinking of myself as a Southern belle. My mind kept singing, "Call on me." What a catch I had made. His only flaw was his slight stammer. It was not very pronounced. Actually, I only noticed it when he was using the personal pronoun, I. That was nothing, a girl could live with that minor peculiarity.

I called Matthew two days later. I did not want to rush things so I gave him a little time to cool out. He was happy to hear from me and asked if I would be willing to dog-sit his pet. I was not into that but I guess if I wanted the pet owner, then I could keep that furry animal for an hour or two. I knew I had to go and 'borrow' my neighbor's dog again but I knew she would not mind. Oh, the inconveniences one will endure when love is in the air.

"I...I..." Matthew stopped speaking. He seemed to be distracted for a moment. Then he started talking again, "I...I..."

"You what?" I asked. Was he trying to say he loved me? We had only met. Then again, some people fall in love at first sight. My poor baby was smitten and did not know how to tell me. I grabbed the pillow from the couch and held it tightly as I listened to him breathing on the other end of the line. He seemed slightly out of breath. Gosh! he must love me....#biggrin. Matthew said he would come by at five. I had time to do my hair, great.

At 4:55 my doorbell rang. I looked around the room, everything was in place. The pitcher of fruit punch and the nuts and nachos were on a little table next to the couch. I had even made some sandwiches and chilled a bottle of wine so Matthew and I could have a little snack before he went on his way. The wine was more for me than for him. I needed something to take me to a new high that I would not feel burdened by dog-sitting two dogs. I was comforted that the time would fly off  quickly, one hour or two at the most. I figured Matthew might be going to a business meeting or something,

When I opened the door, there was Matthew, looking handsome in blue jeans, blue striped polo, and his blue and grey boat shoes. I knitted my brow. He had 2 huge duffle bags and a lot of other paraphernalia with him. Before I could ask the question. He uttered, "Thanks for dog-sitting. My wife and I had planned our anniversary trip to Aruba and our regular dog-sitter had an emergency so we were in a bind. God sent you just on time. I was shocked but had no time to respond as he handed over the white, satin leash and hurried to the waiting cab. The beautiful woman in the back seat waved to me and shouted, "We have not met officially but thanks for being so kind." Tears filled my eyes. I held on to the huge column for support. In my dazed state I heard her shout, "Take good care of I...I... for us. Thanks again."

Did she stammer too? Was that what had attracted Matthew to her?  I was confused. I glanced down at the disgusting, ugly dog. There on a brass plate, attached to her white, satin leash was her name, "Eye-Eye."

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